The RevGalBlogPals have wedding fever. Or some do. It's a Royal Wedding Friday Five:
1) Will you be watching? If so, is this your first royal wedding?
1) Will you be watching? If so, is this your first royal wedding?
I did watch it. Live. I got up about 3:30. I didn't even need the alarm. It is not my first wedding. I watched Charles and Di as well. Live. I was younger then and believed the whole fairy tale thing. I'm older now and I buy the "this is different, they are smarter and really in love" this time.
2) The bride has chosen as her wedding cake a fruitcake. Where do you stand on this pastry?
2) The bride has chosen as her wedding cake a fruitcake. Where do you stand on this pastry?
Fruitcake is a much maligned and wonderful food. I make a mean fruitcake. I say good for them but chocolate would have been a better choice.
3) The dress code for royal weddings has not seen the same sad decline as that for most other weddings. If you could design your own royal wedding hat, what color would it be and what special decoration would it feature?

I just don't know about this hat. But I really really admire Princess Beatrice for wearing this hat with a straight face.
4) Any chance the Archbishop of Canterbury is using a Sustainable Sermon (tip of the mitre to the Vicar of Hogsmeade)? What would you tell the couple were you offering the homily?
All kidding aside, it was a WONDERFUL sermon and I will likely steal lines from it for years to come. Like this:
Faithful and committed relationships offer a door into the mystery of spiritual life in which we discover this: the more we give of self, the richer we become in soul; the more we go beyond ourselves in love, the more we become our true selves and our spiritual beauty is more fully revealed. In marriage we are seeking to bring one another into fuller life.
You can find the text here.
5) Believe it or not, kathrynzj is getting up early mostly to see the wedding dress. By the time this post is up, the world will have seen it. Did you like it?
5) Believe it or not, kathrynzj is getting up early mostly to see the wedding dress. By the time this post is up, the world will have seen it. Did you like it?
I thought it was all enchanting and the service was beautiful and the music wonderful. I like congregational singing at a wedding. We sang "Love Divine" at my wedding as well. When I hear people huffing and puffing about the cost I remember when I visited India (I went around the world on a Semester at Sea (long story) and in my youthful arrogance said something about the cost of a beautiful church amidst all the poor and hungry. And the gentleman showing me the church said "If you sold the church to feed the hungry, tomorrow we would be hungry and we would have nowhere beautiful to go."
We need beauty and pomp and circumstances. Even in difficult times. Perhaps more so in such times.
And hats. We really need hats.