Friday, July 17, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

So all the articles about blogging say how you are not supposed to write a blog about how you are too busy to blog. Well sorry, but I've been busy! My sister is visiting from California. I'm in charge of the Figure Skating Competition portion of the Iowa Games - that is coming up next weekend. That's a lot of work. I've been skating every afternoon at our summer Skate Camp and when I get home from that I'm exhausted.

And then there's work. I'm doing a Summer Evening Bible Study on Romans. That's hard. I knew it would be hard when I took it on but it's harder than I thought. Augsburg Fortress has a pretty good one on Romans in it's Book of Faith series, but it's pretty light weight. My summer bible studies are hard core. But Romans may be just too hard core for me.

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