Sunday, June 7, 2009

N.T Wright on Phillippians

I found some lectures from theologians you can download at Truett Theological Seminary.

See I'm about as South west as you can be in the North East Iowa synod so it's about a 31/2 hour drive to go anywhere. So on the way to our Synod Assembly I listened to a short gem by N.T. Wright on Philippians. (It's the one from 10/22/2002).

It's the best explanation of that odd saying from Philippians 2:12 "work out your own salvation in fear and trembling" I've ever heard. He puts the Christ hymn "he did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied himself" in the context of the PR Roman emperors put out about themselves. Turns out the Roman emperor said something very similar about himself - he was a humble person who sacrificed himself for the sake of the people so they could have "salvation". The working out of salvation Paul is talking about, sez Wright, is not going to heaven when you die, but figure out how you are going to live the gospel in this life in the midst of Roman claims of salvation. You should listen to it yourself. I love listening to him talk!

I have to say I just really am taken with much of what I read by Wright. Although I do think he has it wrong about homosexuality in the church but perhaps he'll come around.

1 comment:

  1. I think he's wrong about homosexuality too! wonder what he thinks about women clergy??

    But he seems, in other ways, to have a social justice framework for the gospel..which I like. I just got his new book on Justification, but haven't had the chance to read much of it yet.
