Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another View of Valentine's Day

It began with a brave act of civil disobedience against an oppressive government. It continued with a kindness showed to a blind girl, a testimony to God's power and a healing. The first "valentine" was a love note, a love note encouraging love and faithfulness towards God, signed by a man about to die for his faith.

Like other stories of faithful men and women, the true meaning of Valentine's Day has become lost in sentimental notions of love and romance and above all, commercialism.

But we remember that Valentine's Day is not just for romantic lovers. It is for all lovers of God. It is for all followers of Christ who are willing to risk all to stand up against evil and oppression, to show kindness to others and to proclaim the healing power of God's love


  1. I like this. So many people get depressed on Valentine's Day because they don't have a "valentine" in their lives, but in actuality we all have a valentine in our lives. Thank you for this post.

  2. Thanks...she says home alone on a Saturday Valentines night...:-)
